Diablo Style


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Diablo 2
Battle For Elements
Blizzard art
Chaos Empire
Dark Moon
Den Of Evil
Eastern Sun
Johnnys mod
Kingdom Of Tenai
Le Royame des Ombres
Median XL
Netherworld rises
Snej Diary of the Dark Wanderer
World of Chaos
Zy El
Гроздья Гнева
Друзья сайта
3x the same gem -> 1x higher gem
3x the same rune -> 1x higher rune
Kill Counter + Dice -> Increase Counter by one (the counter will get INVISIBLE stats, each 80 dices, which are transmuted with it)
Fake Kill Counter -> Kill Counter
3x key of terror -> Portal to Pandemonium Area 1
3x key of hate -> Portal to pandemonium Area 2
3x key of destruction -> Portal to Pandemonium Area 3
Diablo's Horn + Baal's Eye + Mephisto's Brain -> Portal to Pandemonium Final Area
Gem Bag + Gem -> Gem Bag with the gem inserted
Gem Bag + Gem Extractor -> Gem Bag + Gem
Rune Bag + Rune -> Rune Bag with the rune inserted
Rune Bag + Rune Extractor -> Rune Bag + Rune
1x gem -> 3x next lower gems
Normal/Superior/Low/Etheral Armor/Weapon + Gem -> Magic Armor/Weapon (low gem = low ilvl / high gem = high ilvl)
Magic Weapon/Armor + Gem -> Rare Armor (low gem = low ilvl / high gem = high ilvl)
Magic/Rare Armor/Weapon + 2x Gems -> Reroll Magic/Rare Armor/Weapon (ilvl is always 99)
Item + Rune -> Personalized Item
Item + 2 Trophys -> Socketed Item (Trophys you gain for killing ActBosses, (normal->max6sockets,unique->max3sockets)
Gloves + Spleen -> Same Gloves + 1 to dexterity
Helm + Heart -> Same Helm + 2 to hp
Shield + Brain -> Same Shield + 2 to mana
Belt + Jawbone -> Same Belt + 1 hp regen
Shield + Eye -> Same Shield + 1 to energy
Weapon + Horn -> Same Weapon + 5 magic dmg
Boots + Tail -> Same Boots + 2% faster run/walk
Helm + Flag -> Same Helm + 1 to vitality
Weapon + Fang -> Same Weapon + 5 to dmg
Armor + Quill -> Same Armor + 4 to defense
Weapon + Scalp -> Same Weapon + 1 to strength
Small Soulstone + Soul -> Small Soulstone + 1 to SoulCounter
Medium Soulstone + Soul -> Medium Soulstone + 1 to SoulCounter
Large Soulstone + Soul -> Large Soulstone + 1 to SoulCounter
Weapon + 1x Full Small Soulstone -> Weapon + Secret Attributes
Armor + 1x Full Small Soulstone -> Armor + Secret Attributes
Weapon + 1x Full Medium Soulstone -> Weapon + Secret Attributes
Armor + 1x Full Medium Soulstone -> Armor + Secret Attributes
Weapon + 1x Full Large Soulstone -> Weapon + Secret Attributes
Armor + 1x Full Large Soulstone -> Armor + Secret Attributes
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